Wellbeing During COVID-19 and Your New Daily Routine

Stuck at home during COVID-19?
COVID-19 is a global pandemic that has put our health, finances and homes at risk. During what might be one of the most concerning periods you have had to endure, you have also found yourself isolated at home with little to no social physical contact with your usual support network.
This is a time where even those previously unaffected by mental health are also feeling the strain. That is why we have put together some tips on how you can look after your wellbeing during COVID-19.
Spare time doesn’t mean more accomplishments
You may feel like you have more spare time than ever and because of this, feeling that you should be achieving more, however your reality is most likely quite the opposite. You may find yourself disorientated and mentally drained which is completely understandable – you cannot expect yourself to carry on as normal so feeling somewhat unaccomplished is okay.
Take a break and expect less. Now is a time to be kind to yourself.
Have a clean space
A clean space is important especially if you have limited space. The best thing you can do is make a clearer space by being clutter free creating a calmer environment whilst feeling accomplished.
So, clean out those cupboards as soon as you can!
Socialising is still possible and important
We are lucky to live in a time where we can socialise digitally. Many Londoners have turning to online pub quizzes, even personalising them with their friends (what a great way to bond over some old memories).
Plan more Zoom calls with family or House Party chats regularly as having a laugh and your support network.
Stimulate your mind
Plan time for brain stimulation especially if you are currently on furlough or not working. You can do this through IQ apps, puzzles available from Amazon or stimulate the creative brain by taking up a hobby you’ve held off, like painting. There are even online paint ingclasses available to add that extra element.
Keep calm and meditate
Meditation is a well-known tool for calming the mind and bringing a sense of clarity to self. You can try guided meditation on YouTube for beginners or try a simple starter meditation to ease in:
Start by sitting in a comfortable position, set a 5-minute timer and be still whilst taking slow deep breaths. Think only of your favourite place in the world with no one else around. This will get easier every morning and you can extend the time.
Journaling is also a great way to express your thoughts and concerns in the current climate, all it takes is a pen and paper or even the notes on your phone.
Keeping your body active and moving is more important than ever where you are not even getting your daily commute in as some form of exercise.
Try YouTube tutorials for beginner’s yoga, HIT classes, go for a run or even a bike ride. Start small and build your strength daily.
Cut out sources of negativity
Try and set a limit on social media to keep this under control. Much as it can be fun, it can also be a source of negativity, and too much time spent on social media can lead to downward spirals for a variety of reasons.
The news can be another source that supplies us with constant worries around COVID-19 and we all want to be aware of the situation we are facing, however this isn’t necessarily the best thing for us. Stay advised by checking in on reliable sources such as the BBC 5pm Live news update from the Government, all critical information will be given through this source ensuring you know what you need to without an overload of information.
It is okay to need help
Needing someone to talk to is heightened more than ever when isolated, but sometimes offloading on friends isn’t the best option as they may not know how to help or are even feeling overwhelmed themselves.
The best thing you can do for your wellbeing is be aware of when things are too much for you to handle alone.
There are many online and over the phone resources that are available for you to talk to a professional at this time, you can find some listed here. Remember that there is nothing wrong with asking for help.
Looking ahead to the Job Market
We are beginning to see pockets of activity in the Job Market. If you would like to be prepared for when companies begin hiring (and some have already tentatively started) or would like to discuss the current office support job market in London then we are on hand to help on +44 20 7625 3300 or email us at support@australasian.co.uk today.
See our article ‘How to continue your career development during COVID-19’.
Take care, stay safe and stay positive!
Australasian Recruitment Company